
Sanguinololu driver for mac
Sanguinololu driver for mac

sanguinololu driver for mac

You might need to restart your system, though simply restarting cmd.exe should be sufficient. Your addition to the PATH should read  c:\Python27 NOT  C\Python27)Īpply the changes. (Note: do not put spaces between elements in the PATH.

sanguinololu driver for mac

Each different directory is separated with a semicolon. Highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button.Īdd the path of your python executable(c:\Python27\). In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button. In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab. You need to add the python executable path to your Window's PATH variable.įrom the desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties. Thanks to Alan Matthews for the solution: There are some problems with installing pyglet under Windows 7 ( see here).

#Sanguinololu driver for mac install#

Sudo apt-get install python-serial python-wxgtk2.8 python-pyglet python-tk Installation of the needed software is easy under Ubuntu/Debian Linux: don't install the version of Pronterface/Printrun/Skeinforge nor the integrated pre-compiled binaries that it also talks about): Read down the page and only do the installation of Python and its dependencies (i.e. Windows and Mac users go here for instructions. Windows users please note that you install the 32-bit versions of all the Python software even if you have a 64-bit machine (that is to say, do exactly what it says on the following link). An object with a measured height (we use a length of 6mm diameter silver steel - the shank of a drill bit works well too).īefore you start trying to talk to your machine, you need Python and the dependencies.4.1.3 Then for both Melzi and Sanguinololuīy the end of this stage, your machine will be ready for its first print.

Sanguinololu driver for mac